20 pages, Several U.S. federal government agencies collect and disseminate scientific data on a national scale to provide insights for agricultural trade, research, consumer health, and policy. Occasionally, such data have potential to provide insights to advance conversations and actions around critical and controversial issues in the broad agricultural system. Such government studies provide evidence for others to discuss, further interpret, and act upon, but to do so, they must be communicated well. When the research intersects with contentious socio-political issues, successful communication not only depends on tactics, but as this study illuminates, it also depends on relationship quality between research producers, study participants, and end-users. USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) conducted first-of-its kind national studies on cattle and swine producers’ use of antimicrobials. The use of antimicrobials in animal agriculture is considered a critical and controversial issue pertaining to antimicrobial resistance. In recognition of the anticipated wide-ranging interests in these studies, APHIS sought to understand stakeholders’ perceptions and experiences of the federal government research process and products with aim of improving their science communication and relations. This study reports on findings from in-depth interviews with 14 stakeholders involved in the antimicrobial use studies to make recommendations for improving communication and relations between the agency and its stakeholders. From this research, we draw implications that are transferrable to numerous types of government science communication efforts within agricultural sectors.
13 pages., Via online journal., Based on research-to-policy narratives provided by UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) academics, we argue that current, effective Cooperative Extension (Extension) practices support a broader, more convincing account of Extension's public value than its leaders often articulate. This proposed account incorporates the familiar Extension narrative in which technical expertise and objectivity are emphasized. It also incorporates the insight, derived from our data, that Extension can achieve its greatest relevance in policy circles when it weaves together its ability to provide trustworthy technical knowledge with its capacity to influence policy dialogue, debate and practice across multiple settings and over the long term. In a policy world often marked by short-term thinking and polarization, Extension's ability to foster deliberative, context-sensitive and future-oriented policymaking is a critical contribution to society. Interview data reveals three approaches to effective policy-oriented relationship building: community-government partnership building; stakeholder-oriented experimental research; and community empowerment. Understanding these approaches can help reframe the story that we in the Extension system tell ourselves and the public about the public value we create.
17 pages., via online journal, By analyzing interview and survey data from U.S. Forest Service
employees, we examined the strategies used for communicating about
climate change within the agency and their effectiveness from the
perspective of agency employees. We found a limited awareness among
employees regarding climate policy. We found that horizontal information
flow through informal social networks was an important way in which
climate-change information was communicated. We also found a lack of
confidence among employees in their ability to provide feedback to
agency leadership. Our results suggest that (1) agency leadership’s ability
to set priorities and deliver positive vision is important for increasing
employee awareness and inspiring actions, (2) the agency could play a
role in facilitating formal and informal networking among employees, and
(3) using advanced information technologies may contribute to information flow horizontally and vertically, formally and informally.
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Document Number: D09980
From Agricultural Communications Program files, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign., Report of a 10-day workshop for JVASP extension agents - conducted by a team of extension communicators and educators from Washington State University, University of Illinois, and the University of Jordan. Purpose: help Jordan extension agents strengthen their competencies to work with farmers in the knowledge transfer process.
Claar, John B. (author / Director, International Program for Agricultural Knowledge Systems (INTERPAKS))
Publication Date:
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 151 Document Number: D10094
16 pages., This speech is from a project file maintained by the Agricultural Communications Program, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign > "International" section > "Sierra Leone" file., Speech at the Second Conference regarding ACRE in Sierra Leone, January 11-14, 1984., Comprehensive thoughts from an emeritus state Extension director regarding "what the world has learned about knowledge transfer," with special emphasis on Extension services
Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, Funk Library, University of Illinois Box: 54 Document Number: C01169
Phase 2; Contains forward and table of contents, Andbra Pradesh, India : International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, 1980. 324 p.